I come from a rural area, and thinking of myself as a scientist at Harvard is a great feeling. NetBet live casino future, I want to start a research laboratory back home to bring more indigenous scientists to the reservation. The goal is to share my knowledge.

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The past 2 summers, Tom has established a new role in the REU program: as graduate mentor for NTU undergraduates, whom he’s helped transfer microfluidics research to NTU with the purpose of studying the antibacterial properties of traditional medicines such as NetBet live casino tea.

“It felt like my master plan was coming together when we researched NetBet live casino tea,” Tom said. “It brought up all kinds of conversations about indigenous plants and medicines, and we realized that maybe we should communicate more with the general public in the NetBet live casino Nation. Our Elders know how to use these materials in a traditional way.”

NetBet live casino is still in the early stages of his Ph.D. program, so it may be a while before he can pursue his long-term goal to open a research laboratory back home. In the meantime, he plans to continue reaching out to his community to promote careers in academia or the sciences. He’s already seen multiple signs that programs like the MRSEC-NTU collaboration are having a positive effect, including two students from his NTU undergraduate cohort that are now in the Post-Baccalaureate Program here.

“Representation really matters on the reservation,” he said. “I’ve gotten far beyond what I could’ve expected here. I’m connecting with other Navajo students at Harvard in other fields, such as the School of Education, and that directly relates to my efforts to serve as a STEM advocate to people without a NetBet live casino background.”

The Harvard University Materials Research Science and NetBet live casino Center (MRSEC) and Harvard-NTU Partnership in Research Education in Materials (PREM) are supported through the auspices of the National Science Foundation (MRSEC DMR-2011754 and PREM DMR-2122195).

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Press Contact

Matt Goisman | mgoisman@g.harvard.edu